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Stray. Learn to unlearn. Don’t organize anything. Forget your habbit. Go toward the other. Learn by exchanging. Believe in your solitude. Go slow.


Meeting poor and toughs people. Discovering tropics and deserts landscapes. Facing disparity and absurdity. Masses of people lost and always rushing.


Two years ago, I left Belgium to travel to the East of Asia, thinking I was going to erase my references from the western world and find new horizons. I was surprise to see myself fast accomodated. Inspiring, I didn't stop shooting with an old Yashica. Photography was becoming a revelant tool creating curiosity and boosting me to go deeper.  


This collection of pictures represent a year of travel starting in South Korea,  going down to Hong Kong following the East coast of China. Crossing Thailand and Laos from the North to the very South, over to the Philippines, Manila and Bacolod, then to Java, Bali and Lombok, Indonesia. Finally running out of ressources, flying to the golden deserts of Australia.

One Year In Asia

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